

i am fascinated by the fact that there are certain movies i watch (and as i am a movie addict, i watch many movies, anime series, etc) that i love and appreciate more and more each time i watch them. these movies tend to be the deep, intellectual, thought invoking, interesting and beautiful. i am reminded of this because i am once again watching v for vendeta, one of the most political, thought provoking films i have ever seen. go figure it is based on an amazing piece of literature, a graphic novel (in my opinion, graphic novels are one of the best artistic genres to depict and convey certain ideas and promote free thought). this movie is amazing. it shocks me every time, makes me cry every time and makes my heart beat faster for the passion that is showed by the characters to stand up to a corrupt political system.

i am, by no means, someone who goes to protests (i have my own personal opinions about the purpose behind the "protest"), and i would never, in any way, promote violence. but i have an emotional reaction to these people who are so passionate about their political and personal beliefs, who feel the NEED to stand up and rise above something so horrible and corrupt, it makes me weep.

i do, myself, take part in political activities and stand up for my beliefs. but this is one of those movies that i feel is such a work of art, such a statement to free speech and dedication to putting something on the screen to make people look inside themselves and deduce what the emotional reaction they have to the film means (whatever their emotional reaction should be, as individuals there are many), that i must simply bow down to the creators.

so here's to the celluloid, which i watch s0 much of and love with all my heart. thank you to those writers, directors, actors and everyone else involved in film who put something on the screen that helps me delve into my own soul and person, helping me put one of the pieces of the puzzle together to make up who i am, as a whole.


funny ha ha

i was told that i looked like a terrorist this morning. by my bus driver. he was joking. but do you want to know why he said such a thing? because apparently i am the ONLY person in this town who wears a scarf across her face when it is 9 degrees outside. that's right. i wear layers, gloves, a hat down over my ears and a scarf; not just around my neck, but covering my nose and mouth. the reason? i like to be warm.

yes. it is THAT simple.

and while it has been (pretty much) scientifically proven that breathing in cold air can not specially CAUSE a cold or the flu, it does cause your body to not be able to keep viruses out of your body. and there's that whole wheezing thing. not my cup of tea ya'll! and well, the simple truth is, it down right hurts to have cold air on my face, up my nose and in my lungs. i mean, i may just be the odd person out on the whole idea of staying warm and comfy. and i am fine with that. i just have ONE small favor to ask:

when i walk by you, please don't look at me like i am dumb. cause guess what. if you are looking at me like i am dumb, the logical response from my little brain is to think that you, in fact, are the dumb one...as you stand there in your hoodie, waiting for the bus, hands jammed as far down in your pockets as you can as if your body believes the farther in your pocket they are, the thicker the fabric is, rolling your eyes as i walk by....

wait. you know what? never mind. roll all you want. just hope they don't freeze that way :)


the intro: specificity

this is my blog. it was something else, but now it is this. i was trying to be specific, have a specific theme, specific idea run through all my postings, specific content, specific ideas. but after a long, very important conversation with a friend, who is wise and smart and funny and writes one of the best blogs i have read (please see the link in the right column), after being told that my writing is analytical and interesting, after hearing him repeat things that a very wise woman has told me other and over again throughout my entire life (yes, that means you, MOM), i have decided to revamp this blog. it is now specific to, well, ME.

these are my ideas, my thoughts, my truth. it will be silly, it will be disjointed, it will passionate, it will be specifically me.

"I never know what I think about something until I read what I've written on it."
William Faulkner

"If you wish to be a writer; write!"

"You don't write because you want to say something; you write because you've got something to say."
Unknown Source