
oh blog, how i abuse thee...

i'm back. who's to say for how long, as my stints writing on my blog seem to come and go very sporadically. i am currently working on a website for my work, so that reminded me, "hey! you! with the blog! maybe you should write some!"

my focus has been mainly on school lately. almost one year down! one to go! i love school. if only i could be a professional student the rest of my life....*sigh*

been working out as well, determined to make my doctor (and myself, of course) proud. it's been one of the hardest, most frustrating experiences of my life. mind you, i am only in week two, but sometimes the urge to jump up and down on my (glass) scale and curse and throw a 2 year old fit is overwhelming. but i remind myself how much better i have been sleeping at night and how that alone is worth the sweaty ponytail smacking me in the back while on the elliptical and the "Raddatz redface" making people stare at me with the question of "should i call an ambulance?" mirrored in their eyes (to which i respond with a simple smile, proving to them that my motor functions are still, well, functioning). my next purchase is a set of small weights, so while watching movies (as anyone who as read my blog knows is a common occurrence) or sitting and reading my homework assignments, i can "pump ze iron", so to speak.

while this experience has been super frustrating (2 year old child going crazy in my mind), i don't know that i have ever been more determined. last month i made up all kinds of excuses not to go work out. now i am working out five times a week. it's interesting how frustration can either make you completely give up, or be more determined than ever.

who knew that exercising would give me a life lesson about myself?

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